Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Some Clarification...and Other Stuff

In response to a reader's very kind comment from a few days ago, I have revised the post regarding NFL coaching and such (see below). After reading through the last paragraph of the original post, I realized that my rant went a little too far without enough sourcing and that, despite how I personally viewed the situation, I simply didn't have enough to go on making the assertions that I did. So, I went ahead and changed up the wording a bit. Now, the end result may still not please everyone, but I think it's a more-accurate version of events as they transpired.

Just to make this clear: I make no assertions of being a student of journalism. I'm an opinionated fan with a blog that wants to bring some commentary about CU - which is HORRIBLY lacking, by the way - to the Internet. It may not always be pretty. Sorry, in advance.

Now, while CU athletics in the mid- to late-1990s was not anything close to Nebraska circa Lawrence Phillips and the latter Tom Osborne years of criminal cover-ups, there were certainly some minor impropriety issues along with just a straight-up lack of class from those higher in the organization. In my eyes, this culminated with Gary Barnett speaking with the media following the Hnida investigation. Sure, there was nothing criminal about what he said, but it certainly appeared classless, petty, and blame-the-victim-ish. This also appears to have awakened the University leadership - who certainly shared blame in allowing the minor indiscretions slide - and motivated them to clean a little house.

Could you find these same indiscretions in other places? Sure. However, I'm personally not OK with being "not as bad" as my rival. You set yourself on a higher level out of principle. I just didn't see this being the case with the previous coaches. I see this with the current staff. Could I be horribly wrong? Damn right. I could eat those words as easily as I am the cheese slices to my right. If I do, I'll flambee Hawk 'n' Crew just the same.

That said, I plan to read Buffaloed when I get the chance. It always helps to get both sides of a story. Peace...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you don't have copy of buffaloed email me at and i will send you one. you really need to read it...