Wednesday, December 26, 2007

4 Days to Shreveport...

First off, I want to wish all those that celebrate it a very Merry (and belated) Christmas. I just got done taking down the decorations with my wife and cleaning up all the freakin' toys my kids got from everyone and his mother. Man, Fisher-Price must get rich this time of the year. If you can't stand the commercialization of Christmas, I hope you enjoyed your Festivus for the rest of us :)

ANYWAY, I have my house and my TV back now (you can only watch "Frosty the Snowman" so many times) and have set the TiVo to record our game, which is only 4 days away. I have decided to live-blog the game - that means I'll be updating the blog during the game and adding my commentary. Hopefully, you'll join me :)

Well, for those of you heading down to the game, I hope you have a good time. I'll be watching at home. Take care!

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