Friday, April 25, 2008

The Start of the 2008 Football Season is Nigh

So, a little update on life since my last post in late March...

- I have a new job at work
- Hillary Clinton is still in the damn race.

Not much else is new in life. On to football.

I love the NFL Draft. It gets me back in the football spirit after long, long NBA (I'm not a basketball fan) and NHL (I live in Florida and am too cheap to get DirecTV's "NHL Center Ice" package to watch the Minnesota Wild) seasons have sapped my sports energy right out of my body. I've been replacing that excitement with non-stop political talk and MSNBC on 24-hour loop on the TV. Thankfully, the draft is nigh and I finally tuned my XM car radio on to Fox Sports this afternoon to hear Chris Myers and Jeremy Farnham. Tomorrow, it's 8 straight hours of ESPN or the NFL Network streaming onto my TeeVee (and into my Tee-VO). Sweet, sweet NFL.

This year, since my Vikings traded their top pick and two 3rd-rounders to the KC Chiefs for Jared Allen, I really don't have a dog in this hunt. However, according to CU Athletics, we plan to kick 4 of its graduates into the draft: Jordon Dizon (the stud), Hugh Charles, Terrence Wheatley, and Tyler Polumbus. Good stuff.

Anyway, I'll be watching tomorrow to see all the gory details. I'm sure a few of you will also be watching. Enjoy!!!

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