Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2008 schedule

Now that the big signings are behind us it's time to look forward to the 2008 schedule. Here is a breakdown of what I believe we can expect.

We start with CSU - Not a good team. Finished 3-9 last year. A rivalry can always produce upsets so we better watch out but this should be an easy win (knock on wood)

Eastern Washington. Yes, thats right, Eastern Washington. They are the Eagles and play in the Football Subdivision. Barring any repeat of that better off forgotten game against Montana State a few years ago, we should win this one.

This brings us to 2 very good out-of-conference matchups. Florida State and W. Virginia. We played very well against FSU last year at home and should be able to put up a good performance this year. It is a road game which will make it tough . This is a toss up and the first real test for the boys. W. Virginia will not be as good as last season and losing Rich Rodriguez (head coach) will hurt but it is at home and televised nationally on ESPN (Thursday night game). This is another toss up.

Conference play poses some challenging matchups. The big challenge is that we play most of our tough games away from home. Kansas, Mizzou, A&M and Nebraska are all on the road while Texas (homecoming), Iowa State, Oklahoma State and Kansas State are at home. Mizzou and Kansas promise to have good teams again with both big play QB's returning. Texas is always a challenge as we have not beaten them in 3 meetings since the 2001 Big XII Championship game. We should be favored to win the ISU, OSU and KSU games. The Nebraska game should be a winner given the turmoil in Lincoln lately but that game is always a wild one and could go either way.

Overall, I think an 8-4 season would be a good year for the 2008 team. If we can be 3-1 or better out-of-conference there is no reason a 9-3 season can't be within reach. This team is still maturing and 2008 has the potential of setting the table for a 2009 or 2010 National Championship run! Let's all keep our fingers crossed and get out there to support our Buffs!! Hawk and Coach McCartney have challenged the CU faithful to show up 50,000 strong for the spring game (April 19th). So if you are in Colorado, GO TO THE GAME DAMMIT!!


Jimmy Love

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