Sunday, April 27, 2008

2008 NFL Draft - Day 2 Redux

Well, I went into today thinking that we'd see another one or two of our guys taken in the draft. Nope. Polumbus and Charles are still standing at Dal Ward, waiting for a telephone call. That said, it's probably a rather fair assumption that both will be given good looks by teams looking for rookie free agents once the draft business wraps up.

So, we send out a LB and a CB in the 2nd round. Good stuff. Hey, CSU didn't send anyone on either day. Eat that, Ramsies...

More soon as we start the long, long march to August and the pre-season.


2008 NFL Draft - Day 1 Redux

Well, not a bad day for the ol' Buff football alumni. For those of you that are die-hards and watched the entire 1st-day coverage, Jordon Dizon and Terrence Wheatley were chosen with the 45th and 62nd picks, respectively. Of course, Dizon (the stud) had to go to friggin' Detroit, where he's certain to meet failure and despair (see: Joey Harrington) as long as Millen is running the place. Oh, who am I kidding. They were failures prior to Millen. He's just the newest scapegoat.

ANYWAY, that's beside the point. Millen and Marinelli seem to really like Dizon, comparing him to Chris Spielman and Stephen Boyd of Lions teams past. Spielman was the man in the NFC Central, back in the day, so that's very positive. I don't know much about Boyd. Guess I'm not a big Lions fan. I just remember Spielman being a pain in the butt for our TEs and RBs.

Wheatley, on the other hand, heads to New England late in the 2nd. I'm sure this is partly to atone for NE's loss of Asanti Samuel in the offseason to Philly. Wheatley is quick, a good cover guy, and tackles well. He should be a good addition to the juggernaut that is the New England Patriots.

Not a bad first day for the Buffs. Looking forward to Day 2.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Start of the 2008 Football Season is Nigh

So, a little update on life since my last post in late March...

- I have a new job at work
- Hillary Clinton is still in the damn race.

Not much else is new in life. On to football.

I love the NFL Draft. It gets me back in the football spirit after long, long NBA (I'm not a basketball fan) and NHL (I live in Florida and am too cheap to get DirecTV's "NHL Center Ice" package to watch the Minnesota Wild) seasons have sapped my sports energy right out of my body. I've been replacing that excitement with non-stop political talk and MSNBC on 24-hour loop on the TV. Thankfully, the draft is nigh and I finally tuned my XM car radio on to Fox Sports this afternoon to hear Chris Myers and Jeremy Farnham. Tomorrow, it's 8 straight hours of ESPN or the NFL Network streaming onto my TeeVee (and into my Tee-VO). Sweet, sweet NFL.

This year, since my Vikings traded their top pick and two 3rd-rounders to the KC Chiefs for Jared Allen, I really don't have a dog in this hunt. However, according to CU Athletics, we plan to kick 4 of its graduates into the draft: Jordon Dizon (the stud), Hugh Charles, Terrence Wheatley, and Tyler Polumbus. Good stuff.

Anyway, I'll be watching tomorrow to see all the gory details. I'm sure a few of you will also be watching. Enjoy!!!