Friday, January 4, 2008

Flashback: 2002 Fiesta Bowl

So, this freakin' writers' strike is killing me. I'm deprived of my normal shows, "Chuck" and "Journeyman" (and my wife's "Grey's Anatomy", sorry), and I decided to TiVo the replay of the 2002 Fiesta Bowl between CU and Oregon. We lost this game at the worst time for me - I was newly dating a recently-graduated Oregon Duck (my wife) - and we didn't look very good at all beyond the first drive.

A few things I noted from the game's first couple of quarters (it was over in the 2nd, basically):

- Oregon had Maurice Morris AND Onterrio "The Whizzinator" Smith as their RBs. Not a bad pair. Morris had enough brains to stay off the whacky tobacky and is still in the NFL as Shaun Alexander's able backup. Onterrio Smith is probably one of those telemarketers that show up as "unavailable" on your caller ID screens trying to sell you nutritional supplements or used Barbie dolls or something. He showed some good promise - even after calling himself "S.O.D" (Steal of the Draft) - as a 4th-round pick to my Vikings. He would have been the starter if he stayed off the whacky...

- Joey Harrington actually looked GOOD. I see why he was the big pick. Too bad he didn't pan out as well in the NFL. It's unfortunate.

- I forgot about Bobby Pesavento.

- Why are so few CU players in the NFL? It's kinda like Nebraska (stay with me here). The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. No stars but a good team. The draft is a topic for another day.

Anyway, just some things I noticed watching the game. Hope the new year (and the workweek) is treating everyone well. Take care and talk to you all soon!

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